podvodné e-maily na seznámení

From: Mepe Beautybx <info@marushin2000.co.jp>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 5:11 AM
To: steveo0079@gmail.com
Subject: Hello my man!

Hi! I think that my letter will not be lost. What is your country? Sad, go on a trip now harder because of danger covid-19 everywhere. But this is excellent opportunity to establish relations in Internet. Therefore, if you are interested in my letter and do not mind to know me closer, I will be glad receive your letter in response to my. My age 31 year. I live in a locality RU Irkutsk. I free from relationships. I looking for a serious relationship. In a man for me important stability and, of course, know that you will always give a shoulder. Also for me important in a relationship understanding each other and comfort. I do in my free time I fond of fitness, read literature, listening to music. I love to dance;) Probably you ask how did I find you? your electronic box gave me a dating agency. Most likely, you ask where did they get your electronic box? I do not know, where does the dating site have your electronic box. I registered on the site and filled out the form, what criteria in a man I am interested in to the agency found a man who will suit me. Agency provided your electronic box. But there is one problem in that my subscription is free, so I know nothing about you. I do not have your photo, I do not know your country, in your city and what the most important, how old are you. Therefore, if you want to continue further communication, give me more information about yourself.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my regular e-mail: JeffMelissa478242@yandex.com

Best regards,

Podvodné e-maily na seznámení

From: Polinulya Polinushulenka <info@biz-cift.co.jp>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 10:03 AM
To: creator.tusher@gmail.com
Subject: Hi my great mate


Hello Charming! Lovely the stranger, I wish to look, as you are interested in searches and to meet with new and remarkable the woman? My name is Polina. I think, that I to you is pleasant is nice. I in searches the man with whom my life will be quiet and fascinating. I very much cheerful, kind and optimistical the girl. But I one now and I very much have got tired from such life. Therefore I have gone in marriage agency and have written to you the message. Actually, I wish to meet adequate the man for serious relations and a combination marriage further. My main objective – to meet love. I very much hope, that you are this man. I will be glad if we find common language, and our meeting the most great moment in beginning of our relationship. At present I do not know, as is strong you you are interested in continuation our conversation, therefore in more details I will let know about myself later.

If you are interested in me Please write ONLY to my regular mailbox: polina.pop@hotmail.com

With impatience I wait your letter with big impatience. All the best, Polya,

7996 For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 on ground floor of clasic brick apartment building.

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 - Vinohrady, Belgická street
For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street

Fully furnished ( fridge, oven, stove, microwave, kettle, coffee machine, toaster, LCD TV, DVD, SAT receiver, WiFi, washing machine with dryer, iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner ) 2 bedroom apartment for up to 6 people, situated on the ground floor in a well maintained building on Belgická 3 street in Prague 2 – Vinohrady.

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 - Vinohrady, Belgická street
For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street

The flat has an entrance hall with an extra toilet, spacious living room, fully equipped kitchen and two bedrooms.

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 - Vinohrady, Belgická street
For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street

One bedroom has 4 beds, other has 2 beds, each bedroom with its own bathroom. Rent 50.000 CZK, short term rent 70.000 CZK ) Building is equipped with an elevator.

For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 - Vinohrady, Belgická street
For rent two bedroom fully furnished apartment 100 m2 Prague 2 – Vinohrady, Belgická street


Parking available on court. Close to tram, bus and metro A – Náměstí Míru

How To Keep Yourself & Others Healthy

Kousek prevence stojí za tunu léku.

Toto centrum pro prevenci bylo vytvořeno, aby poskytlo základní informace o tom, co můžete udělat, abyste udrželi sebe i ostatní zdravé.

Všechny materiály, včetně brožur a nápisů, lze stáhnout.

Doporučujeme vám, abyste tyto informace používali a sdíleli s ostatními.

I když si všichni udržujeme odstup, jsme v tom všichni společně.

BigMedia, spol. s r.o.

BigMedia je největším poskytovatelem venkovních reklamních nosičů na českém trhu venkovní reklamy.

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Poskytujeme vám jedinečnou příležitost realizovat efektivní reklamní kampaně přesně zaměřené právě na vaši cílovou skupinu a to díky našemu nástroji pro plánování a vyhodnocování venkovní reklamy – BigPlan (www.bigplan.cz).

Ke každé vaší kampani Vám zároveň poskytujeme reálná data o jejím výkonu – reach, imprese, frekvence, GRP/TRP, CPT.

Pomáháme našim klientům k úspěchu.

Marketing a reklama

HyperMedia, a.s.

Společnost HyperMedia, a.s. si uvědomuje, že internetový trh se neustále vyvíjí, a proto plánuje rozšiřování nabídky svých portálů a tím i zkvalitňování služeb poskytovaných uživatelům. Naše významné postavení na internetovém trhu považujeme za velkou výzvu, která nás motivuje k dalšímu technologickému i informačnímu rozvoji. Snažíme se nalézat témata a služby, které by našim uživatelům vyhovovaly, a které by i ocenili. Často se stává, že samotní uživatelé přicházejí s nápady, o jaké funkce či jiné prvky obohatit naše portály a tím sami přispívají k jejich zdokonalení.

Velikost společnosti
51 – 200 zaměstnanců
Prague 4
Soukromá společnost
Datum založení
web content, internet, media, advertising, marketing, online, reklama